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How to create Google Maps API keys

Atlas Pickup Points requires two Google Maps API keys to function properly. While the Google Maps Platform is a paid service, Google provides a generous $200 USD monthly credit, which is typically sufficient for most Shopify Plus stores.

Steps to create Google Maps API keys

Follow these steps to create and configure your API keys:

1. Set up Google Cloud

  • Visit the Google Maps Platform website.
  • Click Get started and sign in with your Google account.
  • Select Create a new project when prompted and give it a name.
  • Set up billing for your project by adding a payment method.
    • Note: You won’t be charged until you exceed the $200 USD monthly credit.
  • Once billing is set up, your project will be created and ready for API configuration.

2. Enable required APIs for your project

  • Navigate to the APIs & Services tab.

  • Enable the following APIs:

    • Maps JavaScript API
    • Geocoding API
    • Places API (New)

4. Create and configure the first API key (public)

  • Go to the Keys & Credentials tab.
  • Click on Create credentials and select API key.
  • After the API key is generated, click on Edit API key to configure it.

Configure the first key (public)

  • Name: Atlas Pickup Points - First key (Public)

  • Set an application restriction:

    • Select Websites.

    • Add the following websites (without trailing slashes):
  • API restrictions:

    • Select Restrict key.

    • Choose the following API:

      • Maps JavaScript API
  • Click Save.

5. Create and configure the second API key (private)

  • Go to the Keys & Credentials tab.
  • Click on Create credentials and select API key.
  • After the API key is generated, click on the API key name to configure it.

Configure the second key (private)

  • Name: Atlas Pickup Points - Second key (Private)

  • Set an application restriction:

    • We recommend not setting any application restrictions for this key. If this is a concern, please contact us.
  • API restrictions:

    • Select Restrict key.

    • Choose the following APIs:

      • Geocoding API
      • Places API (New)
  • Click Save.

6. Update the Atlas Pickup Points settings

  • Go to the Settings page of the Atlas pickup points app in your Shopify store.
  • Paste both API keys into the appropriate fields.

7. Test the integration

After updating the API keys, verify that the pickup points selection is working correctly:

  • Enter a new address in your store’s checkout.

  • Test the following features:

    • List view: Ensure that pickup points are loading and visible on the list.
    • Map view: Confirm that the map displays tiles and pickup points markers are visible.
    • Map search autocomplete: Check that the address autocomplete appears during search.