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How to show selected pickup point in order notifications?

To display selected pickup point details in order notifications, you will need to modify the notification template code.

Modifying the notification template

  1. In your notification template code, locate this line:

    {{ shipping_address | format_address }}
  2. Replace it with this code block:

    {% assign pickup_point = metafields.atlas_pickup_points.point %}
    {% if pickup_point %}
    <p>{{ }} - {{ pickup_point.code }}<br/>
    {{ pickup_point.address.address1 }}<br/>
    {{ }} {{ }}</p>
    {% else %}
    {{ shipping_address | format_address }}
    {% endif %}

How it works

  • Checks if a pickup point was selected for the order
  • If found, displays pickup point name, code, address, ZIP code, and city
  • If not found, displays the standard shipping address

This change allows order notifications to dynamically show pickup point information when applicable.